What is laser? What is laser dentistry?
Laser has brought new perspectives on dental treatments. It is about modern, elegant and comfortable devices for doctors and patients.
Laser has great power! Lasers can do surgery WITHOUT KNIFE, WITHOUT BLOOD AND WITHOUT THREADS! The healing process and post operative period is faster than in classical surgery! Lasers are really MAGICAL. It is the right word that describes all of its possibilities.
By using laser it is possible to do following procedures:
- Surgical operationsof soft tissue without knife (gingivectomy, frenulectomy, excision)
- Root canal therapy as a part of endodontic therapy
- Gingival modelling due to irregularities or as preparation for prosthetic work
- Teeth whitening
- Therapy of the mouth ulcer and herpes
- Periodontal disease treatment (paradentosis)
In our office, we have two lasers:
Biolase EZlase – a soft tissue laser
BIOLASE is the global leader in the production of dental lasers. We are able to provide you teeth whitening just right with this laser because of its advantages in various therapies.
Kavo Key laser 3 – laser for soft and hard tissues
KaVo is a German company with a tradition of over 100 years in the production of dental equipment and it is one of the global leaders in the production.
Kavo Key Laser 3 offers you new possibilities of repairing your teeth without „a drill“.
Also, it is successful to use this laser in the treatment of periodontal disease, endodontic therapy and operations of both soft and hard tissues.
In addition to its great capabilities, KaVo Key Laser 3 was particularly prominent in removing concretes and necrotic cement on the root of teeth in periodontal pockets. With the system for detection of the quantity of concretes, we can remove all the concrete and necrotic cement from the root of the teeth. As such, KaVo Key Laser 3 is an excellent laser for the purpose of treating periodontosis.
For more information, it is best to come for free consultation to determine what is the best solution for you.
Schedule a free checkup and determine with our dentists a detailed treatment plan that will utterly be adapted to you. Our dentists are gentle and they make every effort to ensure that every dental intervention is painless and pleasant.