Pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is our specialty. We pay attention to each individual patient, especially the youngest. We are making efforts to make your child feel comfortable in our office. We approach children patiently and with understanding in order to provide gentle and quality service. In our office we repair primary and permanent teeth using the highest quality materials.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is specialty of dentistry that deals with correcting the irregular position of  teeth and jaws. In the period of mixed dentition, when both primary and permanent teeth are present, the desired effect is achieved by MOBILE devices (retainers), and during the period of permanent dentition with FIXED braces.

The goal of therapy is to achieve a proper bite force that will allow proper force distribution. The correct teeth position allows better oral hygiene, reduces the possibility of dental caries and periodontal diseases.

It is necessary to do OPG (orthopantomogram) image, profile x-ray footage and make jaw mould in the office. The procedure is short, extremely simple and painless. Based on these 3 parameters, orthodontic specialist does an analysis and in just a few days, the appropriate apparatus is being made.

Fixed orthodontic appliances (braces)

There are several types of fixed orthodontic appliances (braces):

Classic appliance consists of metal brackets which are placed on the first permanent molars, the brackets which are bonded to each single tooth and the archwire which goes through the central slot of the brackets. They are connected with rubber ligatures in particular colour.

The second type is self-ligating apparatus that has brackets which can hold the archwire with a clip, which opens and closes. With this appliance oral hygiene is easier to achieve and the treatment period is susceptible to change.

An orthodontic specialist will decide which is the best solution for you, depending on the case, patient’s wish and of course, the price.

Mobile orthodontic appliances (retainers)

These devices are intended for the youngest patients, who are still growing and developing. They can only be for one of the jaws (active panels) or for both jaws (activator, bionator). Patients put and take them out of the mouth by themselves.

It should be noted that when wearing the removable appliance, cooperation and the desire of the child to use the device is extremely important for the therapy to be successful. The device is worn for minimum of 14 hours a day. In the apparatus there is a screw which is rotated, in agreement with the orthodontist every 7 to 10 days. Neither can mobile appliances completely correct heavily rotated or tilted teeth nor teeth that have grown in the wrong place. Fixed orthodontic appliances (braces) are used for such anomalies. 

Therapy with mobile orthodontic appliances is mainly the first phase that begins at an early age and by which the position of jaw is corrected. After that, a fixed apparatus is installed which corrects the position of teeth. In this way , the treatment is completed. If the problem is not solved at a young age, it eventually becomes more difficult.

Visit our dental office with your child and see for yourself the quality service. Your child will love to go to the dentist.

If you decide to bring your whole family to our office, we will give you a considerable discount.

Make an appointment for free

+381 65 828 2282
Dimitrija Tucovića 2, Novi Sad